Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Create animated text using your signature

All animation using Photoshop have a one procedure but different in style or design. To create a animation are very simple , you only have to do is you become a creative and use your imagination to create a design you desire.

In my tutorials i will show you how to create a signature animation text using Photoshop. I use Photoshop CS6.

  • First create a new document and use 320 pixel width and 35 pixel height. And fill it with blue. You can choose any pixel and color you desire. And put your name or desire text. In my example i choose my name for my tutorials.
  • In layer section on the left side of the screen, put the arrow on text layer and copy by click the "Ctrl + J" on your keyboard. Duplicate your layer text on how many letter on your text. After copy your layer text hide all "layer copy" by click the eye icon except the first copy.
  • On the first layer copy erase all the letter except the first letter of the layer. And click eye icon on the second layer copy, hide the first layer copy, repeat the procedure at the end of the last duplicate copy layer.
  • For the next step is for animation procedure we have to create a animation by pressing the "animation frame" below the screen.
  • Now we have a first frame, go to on layer section and unhide all except the original text and the first layer copy. Put the letter by letter in all layer copy same position on original text. Hide the first copy and unhide the second copy, put the letter on the same position on original text, create a new frame. repeat until at the end of layer copy.
  • After finish your frame, go to first frame and unhide the original text, repeat until to the last frame. Now we have a animation you can press the play button to see what happen on your animation. Adjust the time on each layer.
  • Animated signature text

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