Friday, December 4, 2020


If you are new on Twitter and you still don't know how to log in or log out, this tutorial will surely help you just keep on following the steps below:


1. The first thing you need to do is open your Twitter application on your mobile phone.

• So on your Twitter application there is a welcome message says 'See what's happening in the world right now."

• Below there is a button 'to create account' but don't mind it because the thing you need to do is log in which means you already have Twitter account. 

2. At the bottom part of your phone's screen there is a text 'Have an account already? Log in' so to log in your account, click the 'log in' blue-colored text button.

• When you already clicked it, you will be directed at the 'Log in to Twitter' page where you need to fill up the information requirements of your account. 

3. At the first blank, you need to put your Twitter account's phone number or email address while on the second blank is your account's password to recognize if it is really you.

• If you want to asure if your password is correct, tap 'eye' icon at the right side of your password.

4. After you entered your twitter account's username or email and password, click the 'log in' button at the bottom right side of your phone's screen.

5. Done! Your Twitter account is now successfully log in on your mobile phone. Enjoy with your Twitter.

Watch my video tutorial: 

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