Wednesday, July 29, 2020

StingLess BEE

Trigona or Stingless bee(lukot) are those spicies produces honey comes from the nectar and pollen of flowers. Colony of bees are usually founds in their build nest inside the three cavities and other edges of objects to hide themselves from predators.

In getting stingless bee,we need to wear bee keeping protective gear such as long sleeves,pants and veil to protect ourselves from bee stings.

It is difficult to get colony of stingless bee because sometimes we need to climb a tall tree. After getting the nest, we should put it in a container or sack to carried properly. From the sack,put it in a horizontally bamboo for about 1 week before putting it in manmade hive. Carefully remove the trashes attached in bee nest.

Manmade beehive is a wooden enclosed box with small holes and divided into 3 division. We will put the colony of bees on the lower box and let the upper box empty. Aside from it,we can also use coconut shells as the bee hive,this is used to make honey harvesting easy.

Honey is ready to be harvested in production box or hive after 6 months. It is good to harvest during full moon because they gives more honey. We need to be careful on removing the coconut shells for not to damage the hive. Get the honey and pollen using clean spoon and put it in a container.

The pollen are the foods of bee inside the hive and it is the mixture of flower pollen,nectar, enzymes, bee secretions and wax.The color of it can be black, yellow, whitish yellow, orange, red and brown.

Similar to coconut shell hive,we also use spoon to get the honey in manmade wooden hive. There are two boxes but honey, pollen and propolis are in the upper part. To get the honey, we must open the uppermost board. Gently get it and put it also in a clean container. Leave the honeycomb or "saray" inside the production box. When it became bigger and wider you can divide it in another box to prosper a little. Clean out the box and return the board to the way it was. Separate honey,pollen and propolis and put in a jar or container. After all, you can now enjoy your home made honey and do what you want to it.

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