Thursday, December 17, 2020



➝ Deleting your recent search history doesn't do anything on your account or on your sites actually clearing this could give you a fresh start if you want.

1. The first thing you need to do is go to your Twitter application on your mobile phone and open it. 

2. When your account is still not connected on your phone, log in it.

3. On your Twitter app, click the 'search' icon on your navigation bar at the bottom part of your screen that is between the 'home' icon and 'notification' icon.

4. Then after that, tap the search bar at the top part of your screen. 

• You will now see the recent search history of your account. 

5. To delete one by one, press the text you have search that you want to be deleted. There will be a pop up that will appear and it will ask you 'Click (text you've pressed) from your history?', to remove it on your search history just click 'clear' button.

6. That's it you have deleted the name you've searched before.

⊙ However if you want to delete all from your recent history just follow the given steps below:

1. Go to your search history page by clicking the search icon on the bottom part of your screen.

2. The next step is tap the searching bar at the upper part of your screen.

3. To delete all your recent search from your Twitter account history, click the cross '×' button or the circle '⊙' button at the right side of the 'recent' text below the searching bar. 

4. Then again there will be a pop up that will appear on your screen that says  'clear recent searches?' if you are really sure about deleting this all, the only thing you need to do is choose and click the 'clear' button.

5.  That's it! you have successfully clear your recent search history on your Twitter account.

Watch my video tutorial: 

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