Friday, December 4, 2020



1. As always, the very first thing you need to do is go to your twitter application and open it. If you still don't logged in your account on your mobile phone, log in it.

2. At the upper left corner of your screen, you will see the 'more' button or the circled-profile picture of yours, so to go to 'more' page, click it.

3. After you clicked it, there will be a slide pop out that will be appear on your screen, find and click the 'settings and privacy' button at the top of the 'help center' button.

4. When you already at the 'settings and privacy' page, choose and click the toppest button which is the 'account' button.

5. On your account page, you will see the 'phone' button below the 'username' button and so tap it.

6. Then you will now be directed at the 'verify your password' where you need to enter your twitter account's password to verify that is really you and to continue. If you have entered your password, click the 'next' button at the bottom right side of your phone's screen.

7.  In the next page is where you will enter the current phone number you are using or the number you want to associate with your Twitter account where you will get the verification codes.

8. If you already entered your phone number, clicked the 'next' button at the bottom right corner of your screen.

9. There will be a pop out that contains the verify phone message says that your verification code will send on that number and click 'ok'.

10. Check the message you received from Twitter at your SMS and copy the verification code.  

11. Enter the 6-digit verification code that sent to your phone number and then click the 'verify' button at the bottom right corner.

12. Your current or chosen phone number is now successfully connected on your Twitter account.

Watch my video tutorial:

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