Friday, November 27, 2020

How to use Youtube Studio App

 Youtube Studio or YT studio app is an app that has been originated from the channel account of your youtube channel. It is simply a shortcut to your dashboard rather than opening it to your youtube app or browser. With the help of this app you can easily do your task because it is already organized.

Follow the steps below to learn on how to use the YT Studion app.

1. First, if you do not have a "YT Studio" app, download it to your google playstore.

2. Open your YT studio app and log in your Youtube Channel account.

3. If you already log in your account, click the three horizontal lines located on the upper left corner of your screen and you will see a five options the "dashboard, videos, playlist, comments and analytics" but first go to your dashboard.

4. On your YT dashboard, you will see your "channel name" with your profile picture on the top. Under your channel name is the "analytics" which shows your watch time per minute, views, subscriber change and your estimated revenue for the last 28 days. 

5. In the "analytics", click "view more" if you want to see the "Overview, revenue, discovery, audience, interactive content and playlists" of your youtube channel details by details.

6. The"overview" in the analytics shows the watched time in minute, views, average view duration and your estimated revenue. Next is the "revenue" you will see the estimated revenue, estimated monetized playback, transactions and ad types. In the "discovery" it included the impressions, impression click through rate, traffic source types, top external sources, top youtube search terms, top videos suggesting your content and top playlist playing your content. In the "audience" you will see the gender, age, top countries and top subtitle/CC language. Next is the "interactive comments" showing the top cards, clicks per clickable annotation shown and top videos by annotation clicks. Lastly, the " playlist" shows the number of times playlist were viewed, video views in playlist, average time in playlist and top playlist.

7. If you want to change the duration of your statistics, click "views" and on the top of your screen select the days or the duration you prefer.

8. After that, go back to your dashboard and scroll down. In your "videos" click "view more" to open the list of all your videos. The list of your video will sorted according to your choice if it is most recent or most viewed videos. Just click the three horizontal lines on the upper right corner of your screen.

9. The comments of all your video will be seen at the buttom of your dashboard that is why you can easily reply to them. 

That is all thank you for reading my steps and tutorial.

Watch my video tutorial: 

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