Friday, November 27, 2020


 ➜ What is Twitter?

•Twitter is social media side that allows users to send and receive shorts tweets that has a maximum character long 140 that may contains photos, videos, text, or can be links. 

➜ What is the purpose of Twitter?

•The purpose of this site is to shares the user's sides, feelings, thoughts about issues, problem or situations facing with them or around us. 

➜ What site or app that is similar with Twitter and what is their similarities?

•This is like Instagram for the reason that only the person follow you can see your tweets specially when your account is private. However if you visit someone's account that you didn't follow and it is on public, you can see their tweets but this will not be seen on your newsfeed. You can control here your followers if your account is on private by choosing who's request you will accept.


1. The first thing you need to do is go to your Twitter application on your mobile phone. Open and log in your account if it is needed.

2. Second, On your Twitter application, go to your profile by click the circle picture of your profile founds at the upper left corner of your screen.

3.  Third, go to your 'Settings and Private' that founds below the 'Twitter adds' button.

4. Next, on your settings and privacy, find and click 'notification' button that is between 'privacy and safety' button and 'content reference' button.

5. Then the notification page will appear on your screen, on this page find your email notification button that founds at the bottom part and tap it.

6. After that you will now see the email notification, so the thing you need to do now to turn off the email notification of your Twitter account is tap the button at the upper right corner of your screen to switch it off.

7. Finally your email notification of your Twitter account is now off.

Watch my video tutorial: 

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