Friday, November 27, 2020

How to earn money in Youtube | What it takes to make money on YouTube

 If you are planning to be a youtuber or a vlogger, that was not easy as that because there are many things that you should consider before the youtube monetized your youtube channel. Being monetized means that you is starting to earn money from your youtube videos. Also you need to be more patience because gaining views and subscribers takes a lot of time or sometimes it takes years. You need to strictly follow all the policies of youtube because their are limitations in uploading a videos.

How to earn dollar on youtube?

Youtube is a social media with a lot of user worldwide with a creator that share their knowledge and talent through uploading their videos online in youtube. Through these lets earn money while you are enjoying sharing your knowledge and talents.

In this information I will teach you how to earn money on YouTube and the things you should considerate to be a youtuber, just follow the guidelines below to know how and to give you an idea.

*First, create a youtube channel, if you already have a gmail account you can use it to sign in your youtube. 

*Change your youtube channel name that is easy to remember by your viewers to search your channel easily.

*Create a video that was not boring to the start from the beginning and a video that are knowledgable and informative. Because if your video was not interesting from the start they will not finish to watch your video which can give a bad impact and performance to your channel. Also upload a video that is searchable and never go out of time.

*Always upload a video atleast once a day or twice a week to make sure that you are following your uploading consistency. Because if you are always uploading a video they will never forget your channel and they think that you were always active.

*Make sure that you are connected to Google Adsense Ads, by going to the monetization settings on your channel and enable it. Google Adsense Ads is the one who is responsible on adding and creating ads on YouTube videos but do not worry it is free when signing in to google adsense because you only connecting your gmail account on these.

*You need to hit 4000 hours watched time and a 1000 subscribers all in one year or twelve months to get your channel monetized by Youtube.

*So if you already earning a dollar, you can withdraw your money thru bank account or western union with the use of your own name. 

Thank you for reading I hope i can give you an idea on how to earn dollars on youtube.

Watch my video on YouTube: 

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