Sunday, November 8, 2020

Activate dark mode in YT studio app

 Activate dark mode in YT studio app

Activating dark mode can also be apply in your youtube studio application. Dark mode can help you mostly when you are watching or streaming at night when lights is off. In this tutorial I will teach you how to activate your dark mode in your YT studio application by simply following these easy steps below.

1. First step, if you do not have a "YT studio" app you can download it on your playstore.

2. If you have already a "YT studio" app, open it.

3. Make sure that you log in your youtube channel account before you proceed.

4. After you log in, click your profile picture located on the upper right corner of your screen.

5. Choose and click "settings".

6. Find the "Appearance" located on the buttom of the options.

7. After that click the switch on button on the right side to activate and apply the changes.

8. And now your YT studio app is in the dark mode.

Watch my video tutorial: 

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