Wednesday, October 18, 2017

How to use Move Tool (V) in Tool on Photoshop

One of the Tools used is always the Move Tool (V). It has many uses. Especially when copying, transferring, adjusting, rotating, and more

Copy- Pull up or apply the Move Tool to the image that you want to copy. Press the right button on mouse of the computer and select the option, enter it if you copy, cut and more.

Transfer - You can move the image using the Move Tool. Hold the mouse arrow on your chosen image. left click and hold on the computer mouse.

Also use when switching Layer to Layer area. Also, do select Layer and transfer if increases or decreases.

Adjust- The Move Tool also uses the image we want to expand or shrink. We just need to select in the Layer area the layer of the image we want to adjust, and see the option in the Menu Bar. Click EDIT and look for TRANSFORM and choose whether to increase, eject and more. Go to the image and Move Tool the adjustment needed.

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Richard N. Cabile

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