Saturday, January 14, 2017

How to create a logo Using the Pathfinder in Adobe Illustrator (Tutorial)

First in the Tools Box, click the Pen Tool. Click once to the top, click again in the button and hold then move to the left.

Put the Pen Tool to the first click and click again to create a teardrop shape.

Choose desire color of your teardrop shape.

After that click edit, copy and paste in front, then select your desire color. Click the direct selection tool and put in to the button anchor, and click the handle and hold then move to the right. Make sure the horizontal line are straight.

Click the Selection Tool and copy , paste the path you select.

Lastly select all the path and go to window and select the Pathfinder, at the box in the shape mode click the second box. DONE...

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Richard N. Cabile

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