Monday, December 12, 2016

How to create bar menu on blogger in Page gadget

Page Link to other Website or Blog.

In menu bar you can separate post in different categories.

First log in to your blogger account go to dashboard and click the layout and select Add a Gadget.

Show the pop up window and select Pages and click the Positive + icon

Click Add external link and appear pop up, then type your Page tittle and the URL of your Page tittle click Save link.

After you create a Page you can organize the Page by number or alphabetical, put the arrow of your computer mouse and hold the left click to Page you want organize, click Save and your Done...

Page link only in your own Blog

First in your dashboard click Page and new Page

Create your Page name and click publish

After you publish your new Page, Go to layout and click Add a gadget.

Show pop up, and check the square or select the Page, and organize the Page, click Save. And Don't forget to click Save arrangement. Now your done, view your Page.

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Richard N. Cabile

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