Monday, November 16, 2015

Model GrandFather of Tayabas City

Model GrandFather on Tayabas City, Quezon Province. He clean by hot day both rainy day. He clean the road use of broom. The garbage put into the push cart. Garbage made of human, Like a cigarette butt, This is the part of a cigarette that you throw away when you have finished smoking. Plastic, like candy wrapper, etc. Many people throw away waste in to road not in garbage.This man is good model by other people in the Tayabas City, also all of us.

Cause of garbage throw away into road, is a flood. A large amount of water covered the road, Because the canal is cover by garbage, cause of flood. Cleanlines is very inportant to all. If he or she walk in the flood area. Cause of sick, Because the water from the canal are very germs. The waste from kitchen going to canal, also human poop, or animal poop, and etc.

The model Grandfather of Tayabas City. This is the place he live. The cleanliness places is the healthy places equal healthy life.

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